Apr 4, 2010

Hello Kitty Shop In Malaysia

So, you're looking for Hello Kitty shop in Malaysia, right? You end up coming here through search engine for that keyword. Hehe. I guess you're kinda lucky because I know some of places selling Hello Kitty products in Malaysia. I mean, online shop -____-"

These are the blogs selling Hello Kitty products online. Have a look
I think that's all for now. New stores will be added if I discover great blog/website selling Hello Kitty stuffs. Or if you know any other blog, do drop some comment. Thanks


  1. men underwear ada jual online x...nak kaler pinky wakaka =P

  2. You almost had me there. lol. Love Hello Kitty!

  3. hi visit us at http://pinkbabydollshop.com
    cute pinky shop selling korea color lens , korea fashion , korea BB cream skin 79 and of course our loveable hello kitty merchandise !
